Sunday, December 4, 2011

Tiger Is Back!

             It’s the day Tiger Woods has been waiting for, for about two years.   Since his scandal, Tiger Woods has been unsuccessful in wining a PGA event.  He hasn’t placed in the top three either.  Woods won the Chevron World Challenge at the Sherwood Country Club in California by one stroke.  He finished the last two holes with a birdie ending his round with a 10 under.  Although this was not a PGA Tour event, it was still a big win for Tiger. 

            After once being the number 1 player in the world, Tiger dropped to 52nd in the world.  After his win on Sunday, Tiger sky-rocketed to 21st in the world rankings.  Many people believe that his inability to win was caused by his personal issues and media tension.  Others felt his injuries have caused him to place low in the rankings.  After his scandal, you can tell Tiger Woods was physically and mentally drained.  He did not show any enthusiasm during rounds or interviews. 

            Whether you love or hate Tiger, this win was extremely important for Tiger Woods, the golfer.  Although Tiger had his personal problems, he is still human and he still has millions of fans around the world.  A huge weight was lifted off of his shoulders.  This is the start of Tiger Woods’ comeback to being the elite golfer he once was.

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